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Marianna Coppo


Marianna Coppo

Marianna Coppo is an author and illustrator from Rome. She studied illustration at MiMaster in Milan and children's literature at the Accademia Drosselmeier in Bologna. She is the author of Chapeau! (Terre di mezzo, 2014), a story about a magician who loses his magic and Petra (Lapis, 2016), which was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal 2019, a finalist in the Goodreads Choice Awards 2018, and selected by Kirkus among the Best Picture Books of 2018. Her third picture book, A Very Late Story (Flying Eye, 2018), a nod to the importance of creating your own stories rather than waiting for them to happen, has been translated into eight languages and was considered a Standout New Picture Book by The New York Times. Such a Good Boy is about a canine in crisis who longs for freedom (Chronicle Books, 2020), and her follow-up to Petra, titled Ray, follows the adventures of a light bulb who embarks on an enlightening journey (Tundra Books, 2020). According to Kirkus Reviews, Whose Poo?, written by Daisy Bird, is “a manure manifesto for poo-ficionados.”

In her spare time—between eating bruschette and searching for flight offers online—Marianna works on her picture books. She uses a mixed technique combining tempera, pastels and digital collage, but sooner or later she'll try something different. Marianna loves irreverent stories, free camping, mountains, and filet mignon with green pepper.

Click here to read Marianna's Mini Proust Q&I (Question and Illustration) inspired by the Proust Questionnaire.

