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199 Drapeaux

199 Drapeaux
Formes, Coleurs et Motifs

Orith Kolodny

Much more than a traditional compendium of the world’s flags, this strikingly visual volume explores the shapes, figures, and colors that lay behind the choices of flag design. Divided into formal categories such as stripes, diagonal lines, triangles, circles, crosses, and natural forms including suns, moons, stars, and trees, the book is a fascinating atlas without the geographical coordinates. It offers an original perspective of flags, allowing readers to connect the form to the idea and meaning behind it, and to memorize the flags more easily!

“It is the organizational structure of 199 Flags that deserves attention. Maps and geography play no role here. Visual triggers and their significance in origin are the governing factors. […] Thus the flags of Morocco, Israel, Uganda, and Papua New Guinea, or those of Lebanon and Canada are grouped together. This purely artistic alliance may be the designer’s secondary and unintentional lesson in what it means to coexist.”
Vexillum n.12, Research and News of the North American Vexillological Association

“Ce livre est une belle ouverture au monde : identitaire, géographique, graphique et ludique.”
Le journal de l’animation

“Ce livre te donnera peut-être envie de pavoiser (d’orner de drapeaux) ta maison !”
Mon Quotidien

“Cet album très “géo-graphique” est une sort de passeport pour traverser 199 pays et découvrir autant de drôles d’histoires, en examinant chaque détail de leurs drapeaux”
Magazine Georges

“Au premier abord, on se dit qu'un livre sur les drapeaux, ce n'est pas très folichon. Eh bien, détrompez-vous ! Voici un livre qui va vous faire voyager à travers les lignes horizontales et verticales. […] Cela permet aussi de découvrir l'histoire des États, la signification des couleurs et des symboles à travers ces bouts de tissu.”

“Un progetto che va ben oltre la lettura grafica delle bandiere del mondo, scomposte in un sistema tassonomico di forme e colori, alla ricerca di quei minimi comuni multipli che accomunano e non distinguono gli emblemi di ogni identità nazionale. […] Un inusuale atlante da leggere e guardare.”
Aiap - Associazione Italiana Design e Comunicazione Visiva


★ AWDA Aiap Women in Design Award - Menzione d’onore per la categoria PHD, Ricercatrici e Docenti

Rights sold:

World rights: Actes Sud Junior, August 2018
For foreign rights inquiries, please contact Actes Sud Junior.

All books by Orith Kolodny