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La Souris Qui Voulait Faire une Omelette

La Souris Qui Voulait Faire Une Omelette
by Davide Calì
illustrations by Maria Dek

Once there was a mouse who wanted to make an omelet, but he didn’t have an egg. So, the mouse went to ask his neighbor, the blackbird. The blackbird didn’t have an egg either, but he did have flour. If they had an egg and a few more ingredients, they could make a cake! Perhaps they could ask their neighbors? Will the mouse, the blackbird, the dormouse, the mole, the hedgehog, the raccoon, the lizard, the bat, and the owl be able to make a cake?
A special story about friendship and sharing, with a host of animals.

“This endearing story’s accumulation of animals, donations, and repetitive phrasing cleverly underscores (and embodies) the abundant, collaborative love of a tightknit community. Dek’s watercolor illustrations evoke folk-art charm with their straightforward brush strokes, chunky caricatures, absence of perspective, and inherent warmth expressed through lovely details. [...] Teamwork, sharing, and neighborly friendship emerge as integral ingredients in this sweet, satisfying book for young readers.”
Kirkus Reviews Starred Review

“Une délicieuse histoire!”
Croqu’ Livre

“Les illustrations sont magnifique avec des couleurs bien automnales ca donne envie d'aller se promener en forêt et en rentrant de la balade de se faire un bon gâteau.”
Les Broutilles de Nanou

“Nous avons aimé ce livre car il est de saison, qui n’a pas envie de préparer un délicieux gâteaux aux pommes comme notre petite souris? et puis bien sûr les illustrations nous plongent avec ravissement dans cet univers de la forêt. Quant à l’histoire elle nous apprend que le partage est une bonne chose même si à première vue cela peut paraître un peu contraignant!”
les mercredis jolis

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All Books by Davide Calì:

All Books by Maria Dek: